Music Programs

Combined Schools

Plymouth High Schools Marching Band

The Plymouth High Schools Marching Band is comprised of students in grades 8-12. All four schools are represented in the band: PSMS, PCIS, PSHS and PNHS. The Marching Band season begins in August with a week long band camp. Students perform the national anthem as well and the halftime field show at football home games for both PNHS and PSHS. The Marching Band competes at competitions including the MICCA State Finals. Each year they perform in America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Parade, the Hummock Horribles Parade, Plymouth July 4th Parade, the Plymouth Memorial Day Parade, and the Plymouth Veterans Day Assemble. Every two years students in this ensemble are given the opportunity to travel and perform. In 2022 they performed in Washington D.C. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In December of 2024 they will travel to Hawaii to perform in the Pearl Harbor Parade! 

Plymouth High Schools Winter Guard

Winter Guard Is open to any student regardless of experience and includes flags, rifles, and sabres. In the past, Winter Guard has competed at the NESBA competitions as well as performing a show for friends and family at the conclusion of their season.

Winter Percussion

Winter Percussion is comprised of the percussion section of the marching band and is open to any student regardless of experience. In the past, Winter Percussion has competed at the NESBA competitions coming in first in their division across multiple seasons! They also perform a show for friends and family at the conclusion of their season.

Plymouth South
High School

Plymouth South High School Orchestra

Plymouth South High School School Orchestra is composed of students in grades 9-12. They perform three concerts a year, all taking place at the PSHS Performing Arts Center.   The winter concert takes place in mid December, the pops concert in late January, and the spring concert in May. Students learn and perform a variety of pieces from classical compositions to fun modern fun pop. Orchestra is conducted at the honors level in grades 10-12. Students from this ensemble are also welcome to audition for District and SESMBA Music Festivals in the Southeast region. Every two years students in this ensemble are given the opportunity to travel and perform. In 2022 they performed in Washington D.C. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In December of 2024 they will travel to Hawaii to perform in the Pearl Harbor Parade!

Plymouth South High School Band

Plymouth South High School School Band is composed of students in grades 9 through 12. They perform three concerts a year, all taking place in the PSHS Performing Arts Center.  The winter concert takes place in mid-December, the POPS concert in late January, and the spring concert in May. Students learn and perform a variety of pieces from classical compositions to fun modern pop. Wind Ensemble is conducted at the honors level in grades 10-12. Students from this ensemble are also welcome to audition for District and SESMBA Music Festivals in the Southeast region. Every two years students in this ensemble are given the opportunity to travel and perform. In 2022 they performed in Washington D.C. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In December of 2024 they will travel to Hawaii to perform in the Pearl Harbor Parade!

Plymouth South High School Gig Band

Plymouth South High School Gig Band is an extra curricular group that meets once a week after school. It is open to any student musician. Students play a range of pieces from classic rock to modern pop. They perform at the three PSHS concerts as well as an additional Gig Band concert in early spring. In addition, they perform at the Plymouth tree lighting in December. 

Plymouth South High School Chorus

Plymouth South High School Chorus is a curricular vocal ensemble directed by Mr. Jason Luciana. All PSHS students in grades 9 thru 12 are welcome to join regardless of experience or skill level. No audition required. The chorus performs three times a year at winter, POPS, and spring vocal concerts. There are no after school requirements aside from performances.

Photography by Ladybug Photography

Plymouth South High School Theatre Guild

Plymouth South Theater Guild is an ever growing family of young artists. There are several opportunities throughout the year for students to participate. All levels of experience are welcome and no experience is necessary. Whether you want to perform on stage or be a part of the production team (set design, construction, lighting, costumes, design, hair, makeup or stage management), there is something for everyone! 

Plymouth South High School "South Ave" A Cappella

PSHS a cappella group “South Avenue” is a mixed range a cappella ensemble. This auditioned base group consists of approximately 15 students from grades 9 to 12. “South Ave”  performs fun, relatable, and musically compelling songs. “South Ave” performs at many school and community events, and often participates in two a cappella festivals/competitions throughout the school year. South Ave is guaranteed to be a unique performance experience!

Plymouth North
High School

Plymouth North High School Orchestra

Plymouth North High School School Orchestra is composed of students in grades 9-12. They perform two concerts a year, all taking place at the PNHS Performing Arts Center. The winter concert takes place in mid-December and the spring concert in late May. Students are challenged to learn and perform a variety of pieces from classical compositions to modern pieces. PNHS Orchestra is conducted at the honors level in grades 10-12. Students from this ensemble are also welcome to audition for the District and SESMBA Music Festivals in the Southeast region. This ensemble also performs at several school assemblies. Every two years students in this ensemble are given the opportunity to travel and perform. In 2022 they performed in Washington D.C. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In December of 2024 they will travel to Hawaii to perform in the Pearl Harbor Parade!

Plymouth North High School Band

Plymouth North High School Gig Band is an extra curricular band that meets once a week after school. It is open to any student musician. Students play a variety of pieces from classic rock to modern pop. They perform at the two PNHS concerts as well as an additional Gig Band concert in early spring. They also perform at the Plymouth tree lighting in December. This Gig Band is always looking for performance opportunities in the town of Plymouth, they enjoyed playing a set for an art exhibition downtown!

Plymouth North High School Gig Band

Plymouth North High School Gig Band is an extra curricular band that meets once a week after school. It is open to any student musician. Students play a variety of pieces from classic rock to modern pop. They perform at the two PNHS concerts as well as an additional Gig Band concert in early spring. They also perform at the Plymouth tree lighting in December. This Gig Band is always looking for performance opportunities in the town of Plymouth, they enjoyed playing a set for an art exhibition downtown!

Plymouth North High School Chorus

Plymouth North High School chorus is comprised of students in grades 9-12. They perform two concerts a year, one in December and the other in May. Both concerts are held at the Plymouth North High School Performing Arts Center. Students are given the opportunity to learn and perform both classic and modern pieces. Students in grade 9 are split into three voice parts: Soprano 1, Soprano 2, and Alto. These students typically learn and perform more modern pieces. Students in grades 10-12 that would like be considered for the choir must take chorus as a pre-requisite. The choir consists of sopranos, altos, tenors, baritone, and bass. These students learn and perform more traditional pieces of music. 

Photography by Ladybug Photography

Plymouth North High School Players

Plymouth North Players has an excellent year planned! Kicking it off with an early start to the school year is a student run fundraising production of SIX: THE MUSICAL. Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived. Six wives of Henry VIII take the microphone to remix five hundred years of historical heartbreak into a Euphoric Celebration of 21st-century girl power! The show runs on Friday, September 13th and Sunday, September 14th at 7:00. Raising funds for the Orlando choral trip planned for the end of March. Get ready to rock! Next up is the play Suite Surrender. It’s 1942, and two of Hollywood’s biggest divas have descended upon the luxurious Palm Beach Royale Hotel. Everything seems to be in order for their wartime performance…that is, until they are somehow assigned to the same suite. This is a hilarious riot of a love note to the classic farces of the 30s and 40s. Get ready to laugh! Last but certainly not least is the musical production of Hadestown! This acclaimed musical intertwines two mythic tales—that of young dreamers Orpheus and Eurydice, and that of King Hades and his wife Persephone—as it invites you on a hell-raising journey to the underworld and back. It is a haunting and hopeful theatrical experience that grabs you and never lets go. It’s going to be otherworldly! Hope to see you all at the theatre!

Photography by Ladybug Photography

Plymouth North High School "Northern Lights" A Cappella

“Northern Lights” is an auditioned mixed group. Students who are chosen after the first audition will receive a callback for a second audition. This group of students competes in a cappella competitions. In 2023 Northern Lights placed top 3 at NE Voices. 

Photography by Ladybug Photography

Photography by Ladybug Photography

Plymouth North High School "Spectrum" A Cappella

“Spectrum” is a treble group. Students who wish to become a member of this group must audition and receive a callback for a second audition. Spectrum competes in a Cappella competitions. In 2023 they advanced to Nationals at ICHSA (International Championship of High School a Cappella) and competed at Town Hall in New York City. In 2024 Spectrum placed top 3 at NE Voices. 

Photography by Ladybug Photography

Plymouth North High School "Girl Treble" A Cappella

Girl Treble is an all female group. Any student that auditions for Girl Treble will become a member. Girl Treble does not compete in a cappella competitions however they do attend NE Voices. 

Photography by Ladybug Photography

Plymouth North High School "Menergy" A Cappella

Menergy is an all male a cappella group. Any student that auditions for Menergy will become a member. Menergy does not compete in a cappella competitions however they do attend NE Voices. 

Plymouth Community Intermediate School

Plymouth Community Intermediate School Concert Orchestra

Plymouth Community Intermediate School offers orchestra class to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Each grade’s ensemble preforms two concerts per year. The winter concert is in mid December in the PNHS preforming arts center and the spring is held at the same venue in mid April. Each ensemble preforms separate pieces and the combined 6th – 8th grade ensembles perform several pieces together at the end of the concert. Pieces range from folk music to classical music with some holiday favorites added for the winter program.

Plymouth Community Intermediate School Concert Band

Plymouth Community Intermediate School offers concert band to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Each grades ensemble preforms 3 concerts per year. The fall concert is held at the beginning of October at PNHS in the courtyard. The winter concert is in mid December in the PNHS preforming arts center and the spring is held at the same venue in mid May. Ensembles preform separately then the 7th and 8th grade bands preform prices together to end each show. Pieces range from popular music to classical music with some holiday favorites sprinkled in for the winter show.

Plymouth Community Intermediate School Chorus

PCIS has two choral ensembles – the sixth grade chorus and the seventh and eighth grade chorus. The groups perform one concert around the holidays and one in the spring. The sixth grade chorus performs at the holiday pops with the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra each December. The choruses have traveled to New York for choral workshops, and sing each year at a Providence Bruins game. Select advanced students will have the opportunity to audition for the Jr. District and Jr. SEMSBA festivals for South Eastern Massachusetts. 

Plymouth Community Intermediate School Theatre

Each year PCIS presents a full scale musical. Students in grades 6 through 8 are invited to audition. All students who are able to make a full commitment to the rehearsal schedule are accepted into the cast which typically includes over 100 students. The rigorous rehearsal schedule is reflected in the quality of the production. Recent shows include Shrek Jr, The Little Mermaid Jr., and Frozen Jr.

Plymouth South
Middle School

Plymouth South Middle School Orchestra

Plymouth South Middle School offers orchestra to 6th grade students and combined orchestra to 7th and 8th grade students. Each ensemble performs two concerts per school year. The winter concert takes place in mid-December and is hosted at the PSHS Performing Arts Center. The popular spring concert is performed in the PSMS cafeteria. Food and ice cream trucks are stationed outside of the cafeteria so attendees can purchase dinner during the concert! Students in these orchestras perform challenging classical compositions along with more popular pieces. The 7th & 8th grade orchestra also competes at the Trills & Thrills competition each spring!

Plymouth South Middle School Band

Plymouth South Middle School offers Concert Band to 6th grade students and combined Concert Band to 7th and 8th grade students. Each band performs two concerts per school year. The winter concert takes place in mid-December and is hosted at the PSHS Performing Arts Center. The popular spring concert is performed in the PSMS cafeteria with food and ice cream trucks stationed outside of the cafeteria where attendees can purchase dinner during the concert! Students in these bands perform challenging classical pieces along with popular music. The 7th and 8th grade band also compete at the Trills & Thrills competition each spring.

Plymouth South Middle School Chorus

Plymouth South Middle School Chorus is an elective course offered to students grades 6th through 8th. This group meets during the school day and presents two concerts per school year. They work under the direction of chorus teacher Micheala Booker. This group has had opportunities to perform at local nursing homes as well as attend Broadway performances.

Plymouth South Middle School Theatre

Plymouth South Middle School Theatre is an extra curricular activity offered to students grades 6th through 8th. This group performs one musical theater production per year. Students can audition for roles, perform in the ensemble, or participate back stage in set design, props, costumes and makeup. This activity meets after school at PSMS.

Plymouth South Middle School Gig Band

Plymouth South Middle School Gig Band is an extra curricular group that meets after school once a week. It is open to any student musician. Students play a variety of pieces ranging from classic rock to modern pop. They perform at the winter and spring concerts. They gig band includes several student musician mentors from Plymouth South High School.