Plymouth South High School School Orchestra is composed of students in grades 9-12. They perform three concerts a year, all taking place at the PSHS Performing Arts Center. The winter concert takes place in mid December, the pops concert in late January, and the spring concert in May. Students learn and perform a variety of pieces from classical compositions to fun modern fun pop. Orchestra is conducted at the honors level in grades 10-12. Students from this ensemble are also welcome to audition for District and SESMBA Music Festivals in the Southeast region. Every two years students in this ensemble are given the opportunity to travel and perform. In 2022 they performed in Washington D.C. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In December of 2024 they will travel to Hawaii to perform in the Pearl Harbor Parade!
Plymouth South High School School Band is composed of students in grades 9 through 12. They perform three concerts a year, all taking place in the PSHS Performing Arts Center. The winter concert takes place in mid-December, the POPS concert in late January, and the spring concert in May. Students learn and perform a variety of pieces from classical compositions to fun modern pop. Wind Ensemble is conducted at the honors level in grades 10-12. Students from this ensemble are also welcome to audition for District and SESMBA Music Festivals in the Southeast region. Every two years students in this ensemble are given the opportunity to travel and perform. In 2022 they performed in Washington D.C. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In December of 2024 they will travel to Hawaii to perform in the Pearl Harbor Parade!
Plymouth South High School Gig Band is an extra curricular group that meets once a week after school. It is open to any student musician. Students play a range of pieces from classic rock to modern pop. They perform at the three PSHS concerts as well as an additional Gig Band concert in early spring. In addition, they perform at the Plymouth tree lighting in December.
Plymouth Community Intermediate School offers orchestra class to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Each grade’s ensemble preforms two concerts per year. The winter concert is in mid December in the PNHS preforming arts center and the spring is held at the same venue in mid April. Each ensemble preforms separate pieces and the combined 6th – 8th grade ensembles perform several pieces together at the end of the concert. Pieces range from folk music to classical music with some holiday favorites added for the winter program.
Plymouth Community Intermediate School offers concert band to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Each grades ensemble preforms 3 concerts per year. The fall concert is held at the beginning of October at PNHS in the courtyard. The winter concert is in mid December in the PNHS preforming arts center and the spring is held at the same venue in mid May. Ensembles preform separately then the 7th and 8th grade bands preform prices together to end each show. Pieces range from popular music to classical music with some holiday favorites sprinkled in for the winter show.
Plymouth South Middle School offers orchestra to 6th grade students and combined orchestra to 7th and 8th grade students. Each ensemble performs two concerts per school year. The winter concert takes place in mid-December and is hosted at the PSHS Performing Arts Center. The popular spring concert is performed in the PSMS cafeteria. Food and ice cream trucks are stationed outside of the cafeteria so attendees can purchase dinner during the concert! Students in these orchestras perform challenging classical compositions along with more popular pieces. The 7th & 8th grade orchestra also competes at the Trills & Thrills competition each spring!
Plymouth South Middle School offers Concert Band to 6th grade students and combined Concert Band to 7th and 8th grade students. Each band performs two concerts per school year. The winter concert takes place in mid-December and is hosted at the PSHS Performing Arts Center. The popular spring concert is performed in the PSMS cafeteria with food and ice cream trucks stationed outside of the cafeteria where attendees can purchase dinner during the concert! Students in these bands perform challenging classical pieces along with popular music. The 7th and 8th grade band also compete at the Trills & Thrills competition each spring.
Plymouth South Middle School Chorus is an elective course offered to students grades 6th through 8th. This group meets during the school day and presents two concerts per school year. They work under the direction of chorus teacher Micheala Booker. This group has had opportunities to perform at local nursing homes as well as attend Broadway performances.
Plymouth South Middle School Theatre is an extra curricular activity offered to students grades 6th through 8th. This group performs one musical theater production per year. Students can audition for roles, perform in the ensemble, or participate back stage in set design, props, costumes and makeup. This activity meets after school at PSMS.
Plymouth South Middle School Gig Band is an extra curricular group that meets after school once a week. It is open to any student musician. Students play a variety of pieces ranging from classic rock to modern pop. They perform at the winter and spring concerts. They gig band includes several student musician mentors from Plymouth South High School.
The Plymouth Schools Music Association (PSMA) provides financial support, encouragement, and positive support to the music programs through fundraising, community outreach, and volunteerism. We are dedicated to promoting and encouraging the education and associated activities of the music students and performing arts groups of the school district. PSMA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
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